About Neapolitan Pizza

About Neapolitan Pizza

Pizza was born in Italy. Naples Italy to be specific. “Neapolitan Pizza” is often a loosely used term to describe a style of pizza, but the actual meaning refers to a strict adherence to the culinary discipline of the ‘Associanzione Verace Pizza...
Recipe post sample

Recipe post sample

This recipe was copied from Foodista website (licensed under CC3.0). Chicken salad is a great meal any time of year but we especially love it in winter when deliciously crisp apples are in season. When combined with a few other simple ingredients you probably already...
Playlist, self hosted video

Playlist, self hosted video

To set the video, use an video (or playlist) shortcode in the content. The first video (playlist) shortcode will be used in post media area and will be removed from the original post content when displaying. If no video or playlist shortcode used, but oembed media URL...